Heart Surgery for the Mind - My First Publication

It is with great humility I would like to share the first (of many) publication I will make through the community whom are Life Refinement Therapies. 

Let me give you the beef. This is a book I have been working on since I was 8 years old. It started as just a box full of diaries and me 10 years ago saying "I am going to write a book". At that time it was called "a lady at the table, a chef in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom" sharing many stories of my life already lived and how I began to understand the lies and bull sheet that the world served me thus far ... as I grew a little into my spine, felt into my nervous system - I recognised that THAT book ... was far from going to be written. Then last year I got married The book had not been written, hence deciding 'it is time'. With the decision made, euro summer of 2017 I would write a book at my husbands house in a small village in Hungary. 

As all good stories go ... that did not happen.

What did happen ... I went on the trip, found connection and healing with my family ... again. Spending days connecting communicating our deep worries and pains, repaired more of the deep unconscious ancestral suffering that we carried through our family, travelled to many countries as old friends desired to connect and were willing to carry me, here I wrote a book ... oh yeah ended up getting divorced.  

So fast forward 1 year later (almost to the date) now I published this book ... it is far from the average book as it

A. breaks all the graphic design rules

B. is written with motivational and inspiring quotes, one liners and anequdotes to make it simple to read

C. it can be flicked and clicked to allow you semi scroll through the book. 

So what is it about ... it is a monkey mind blower heart expanding adventure of the first 34 years of my life. Meant to bring to the realisation that - we are all just a little different when we peel the onion of society, family and self hate ... here lays our golden egg - an expansive heart and more importantly an OPEN MIND. 

If you feel to support me by purchasing this book ... THANK YOU as all proceeds will fund my next trip to share more yogic philosophy, medically tested body wisdom and some laughs or perhaps a few cry.


peace love and rainbows 


Mountains and Mantra


Unwind the Mind Phuk